Meet the Team
Dave Campbell
Dave is a residential remodel contractor living in Decatur, IL with his wife Stephanie and 9 children. He has a BA in Education from Southern Nazarene University and has spent the past 20+ years trying to learn and live The “Whole” Testament.
Stephanie Campbell
Stephanie is one of the most amazing people on earth. She puts up with all of Dave’s shenanigans. She is a teacher, mother, wife, choir director and constant student of God’s Word. She has the God given gift of leading people in worship, sings like an angel, and regularly drops valuable wisdom in the dessert episodes. Honestly, there would be no “The Whole Testament” without her. Plus she came up with the name, which is totally awesome.
Jim Campbell
Jim is a content contributor and Co-Host at The Whole Testament. Jim is a rock-turner-overer who loves to dig into the text to try to seek out what may lie just beneath the surface of what we think it says. When not doing that, he leads a portfolio of federal contracts and does life with his wife, 7 kids, daughter in-law and first grandbaby.
Fred Saurmann
Fred is a husband, a father to 4, musician and avid coffee drinker. He works for the local church as a Production Manager and Network Administrator. He’s an ‘Average Joe’ who grew up in the church but didn’t understand the full significance of both the Old and New Testaments.
Kevin Boeckenstedt
Kevin has spent most of his working career in IT. He is a graduate of Lincoln Christian College and has a Master's degree in Organizational Behavior. He is passionate about all of the Scriptures and loves talking about them, so I guess you could say, he is a geek in his work life and personal life! Kevin and his wife Julie have lived in Decatur since 1995 and have three grown children.
Dan Phillips
Dan is an accountant by trade and handles the finances for the podcast. He enjoys spending his time with his wife and five children, along with fishing and music. He and his family have been on the wonderful journey of digging deeper into God's word for several years now, and he is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this podcast.
Grace Campbell
Grace is our social media ninja. She is a critical conduit to getting the message of The Whole Testament out. When she isn't helping to make people aware of what is going on, she's an avid baker and spends her days running an Italian cafe.
Elias Luther
Elias is a husband and father of five. By night he is a content contributor at The Whole Testament and is responsible for the website maintenance. Feel free to direct any criticism or advice his way! By day he works in the Army as a Combat Medic. He one day hopes to brew mead and start a farm with his family.